What to know before travel to Machu Picchu

Travel To Machu Picchu

What to know before travel to Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is one of the best destinations in the world, located in Peru in the city of Cusco, which received more than 1 million tourists a year, more than 5000 tourists a day, so before traveling you have to know the following: ENTRANCE TO MACHU PICCHU […]

The best 3 hikes to get Machu Picchu

the best 3 hikes to get machu Picchu

If you are thinking of traveling to Peru, visit Machu Picchu and do not know how to get there, here we will mention the exclusive routes that you can use to get to Machu Picchu walking, following the ancient path used by the Incas and camping outdoors. To get to Machu Picchu walking you can […]